Opening Hours

  Head office:


  Monday to Friday : 11:00am to 8:00pm

  Saturday to Sunday : 10:00am to 6:00pm


  Public holiday is closed


170, Upper Bukit Timah Road, #03-09
Bukit Timah Shopping Centre
Singapore 588179

21, Hougang Street 51, #02-25
Hougang Green Shopping Mall
Singapore 538719

170 Upper Bukit Timah Road #03-09
Bukit Timah Shopping Centre
Singapore 588179

Apt Blk 23, Sin Ming Road #01-19
Sin Ming Ville
Singapore 570023


Main Office Line

9451 5506 / 8817 2718


Bukit Timah(6463 5478), Hougang(6343 6473), Sin Ming(6019 0548)

[email protected] / [email protected] / sm19@epone

Ms Eve (83715665) / Ms Ann (8218 7621) / Ms Nurami

6343 6473 / 63436474

Ms Laura (87216855) / Ms Edna (88172718)

6463 5278 / 6463 5478

[email protected]

Ms Melinda Leong (91269010) / Ms Mavis (86661230)

6019 0548 / 6019 0549

[email protected]

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